AI development

I strongly believe that the best way to AI building narrow AI and then gradually extend it toward more and more General Intelligence.AI has made our life easier. It quite popular to use AI in factories with repetitive work these days. Human only need to sit behind and handle some emergency. AI also has had some success in limited, or simplified, domains.  So i think AI has a great potential in the future

Here are intelligent techniques we used to build that feature:

1) Preprocessing data prior to using it in decision making.

Row data is coming in the form of "page views" and "spam report clicks".

Special process raw input into RecruiterRating and JobRating tables.

2) Forgetting.

The most recent data is usually more valuable for decision making.

That's why yet another PostJobFree process makes sure that old data is slowly losing it's value (and disappears if the value is too low).



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